在企业用例中采用LLM时,一个常见的抱怨是关于数据隐私的,特别是对于处理敏感数据的团队而言。虽然开放权重模型始终是一个不错的选择,并且*如果可能的话应该进行试验*,但有时我们只想快速演示一些东西,或者有充分的理由使用LLM API。在这些情况下,最好有一个网关来处理个人身份信息(PII)数据的清理,以降低PII泄露的风险。
总部位于加拿大多伦多的金融科技公司Wealthsimple,开源了一个仓库,它就是为此目的而创建的。在本笔记本中,我们将探索如何利用这个仓库在向LLM提供者发出API调用之前清理我们的数据。为此,我们将查看来自AI4Privacy的PII数据集,并利用Cohere的免费试用API来展示Wealthsimple仓库用于PII清理的Command R+模型。
- 安装Poetry和Pyenv
- 安装pyenv install 3.11.3
- 安装项目要求
brew install gitleaks
poetry install
poetry run pre-commit install
- 运行
cp .envrc.example .envrc
import os
from llm_gateway.providers.cohere import CohereWrapper
from datasets import load_dataset
import cohere
import types
import re
DATABASE_URL = os.environ[
] # default database url: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/llm_gateway"
wrapper = CohereWrapper()
example = "Michael Smith ([email protected], (+1) 111-111-1111) committed a mistake when he used PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer."
>>> response, db_record = wrapper.send_cohere_request(
... endpoint="generate",
... model="command-r-plus",
... max_tokens=25,
... prompt=f"{example}\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.",
... temperature=0.3,
... )
>>> print(response)
{'data': ['Michael Smith made a mistake by using PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer.'], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 48, 'output_tokens': 14}}}
['Michael Smith使用PyTorch Trainer而不是HF Trainer犯了一个错误。']
>>> print(db_record)
{'user_input': 'Michael Smith ([REDACTED EMAIL ADDRESS], (+1) [REDACTED PHONE NUMBER]) committed a mistake when he used PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer.\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.', 'user_email': None, 'cohere_response': {'data': ['Michael Smith made a mistake by using PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer.'], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 48, 'output_tokens': 14}}}, 'cohere_model': 'command-r-plus', 'temperature': 0.3, 'extras': '{}', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 2, 16, 7, 666438), 'cohere_endpoint': 'generate'}
迈克尔·史密斯([REDACTED EMAIL ADDRESS],(+1) [REDACTED PHONE NUMBER])在使用 PyTorch Trainer 而不是 HF Trainer 时犯了一个错误。\n\n请用 1-2 句话概括以上文字。
对于 Cohere 来说,generate 端点实际上已经过时,因此创建并提交针对 Cohere API 的新 Chat 端点的集成将是一个非凡的开源贡献。
ALL_SCRUBBERS = [ scrub_phone_numbers, scrub_credit_card_numbers, scrub_email_addresses, scrub_postal_codes, scrub_sin_numbers, ]
这相当 hacky,但如果你确实需要实现另一个清除器,你可以通过修改调用清除器的包装器方法来实现。下面我们将演示。
作者提到,sin 清除器特别容易清除东西,因此他们将其放在最后应用,以确保首先清除其他与数字相关的 PII。
def my_custom_scrubber(text: str) -> str:
Scrub Michael Smith in text
:param text: Input text to scrub
:type text: str
:return: Input text with any mentions of Michael Smith scrubbed
:rtype: str
return re.sub(r"Michael Smith", "[REDACTED PERSON]", text, re.IGNORECASE)
original_method = wrapper.send_cohere_request
def modified_method(self, **kwargs):
self._validate_cohere_endpoint(kwargs.get("endpoint", None)) # Unfortunate double validate cohere endpoint call
prompt = kwargs.get("prompt", None)
text = my_custom_scrubber(prompt)
kwargs["prompt"] = text
return original_method(**kwargs)
# Assign the new method to the instance
wrapper.send_cohere_request = types.MethodType(modified_method, wrapper)
>>> response, db_record = wrapper.send_cohere_request(
... endpoint="generate",
... model="command-r-plus",
... max_tokens=25,
... prompt=f"{example}\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.",
... temperature=0.3,
... )
>>> print(response)
{'data': ['[REDACTED PERSON] made an error by using PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer. They can be contacted at [RED'], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 52, 'output_tokens': 25}}}
>>> print(db_record)
{'user_input': '[REDACTED PERSON] ([REDACTED EMAIL ADDRESS], (+1) [REDACTED PHONE NUMBER]) committed a mistake when he used PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer.\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.', 'user_email': None, 'cohere_response': {'data': ['[REDACTED PERSON] made an error by using PyTorch Trainer instead of HF Trainer. They can be contacted at [RED'], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 52, 'output_tokens': 25}}}, 'cohere_model': 'command-r-plus', 'temperature': 0.3, 'extras': '{}', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 2, 59, 58, 733195), 'cohere_endpoint': 'generate'}
例如,对于姓名而言,你可以探索其他清除库,这些库使用更复杂的算法来清除 PII。这个代码库涵盖了更多 PII,例如IP 地址、主机名等。但是,如果只需要删除特定匹配项,则可以恢复到上面的代码。
pii_ds = load_dataset("ai4privacy/pii-masking-200k")
>>> example = pii_ds["train"][36]["source_text"]
>>> response, db_record = wrapper.send_cohere_request(
... endpoint="generate",
... model="command-r-plus",
... max_tokens=50,
... prompt=f"{example}\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.",
... temperature=0.3,
... )
>>> print(response)
{'data': ["The person is requesting an update on assessment results and is offering Kip 100,000 in exchange for the information and the recipient's account details."], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 64, 'output_tokens': 33}}}
>>> print(db_record)
{'user_input': "I need the latest update on assessment results. Please send the files to V[REDACTED EMAIL ADDRESS]. For your extra time, we'll offer you Kip 100,000 but please provide your лв account details.\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.", 'user_email': None, 'cohere_response': {'data': ["The person is requesting an update on assessment results and is offering Kip 100,000 in exchange for the information and the recipient's account details."], 'return_likelihoods': None, 'meta': {'api_version': {'version': '1'}, 'billed_units': {'input_tokens': 64, 'output_tokens': 33}}}, 'cohere_model': 'command-r-plus', 'temperature': 0.3, 'extras': '{}', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 3, 10, 51, 416091), 'cohere_endpoint': 'generate'}
co = cohere.Client(
esponse_vanilla = co.generate(
prompt=f"{example}\n\nSummarize the above text in 1-2 sentences.",
总结一下,在这个笔记本当中,我们演示了如何使用 Wealthsimple 开源的 PII 检测示例网关,并通过添加自定义清除器来扩展它。如果你确实需要可靠的 PII 检测,请确保运行你自己的测试以验证你使用的任何清除算法是否真正涵盖了你的用例。最重要的是,只要有可能,将开源模型部署在你自己的基础设施上将始终是使用 LLM 进行构建最安全、最可靠的选择 :)
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