执行 SQL 操作
使用 DuckDB 执行 SQL 操作为高效查询数据集打开了新世界的大门。让我们深入探讨一些展示 DuckDB 函数强大功能的示例。
为了演示,我们将探索一个引人入胜的数据集。这 MMLU 数据集是一个多任务测试,包含涵盖多个知识领域的单项选择题。
为了预览数据集,让我们选择 3 行样本
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet' USING SAMPLE 3;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │
│ The model of light… │ conceptual_physics │ [wave model, particle model, Both of these, Neither of these] │ 1 │
│ A person who is lo… │ professional_psych… │ [his/her life scripts., his/her own feelings, attitudes, and beliefs., the emotional reactions and behaviors of the people he/she is interacting with.… │ 1 │
│ The thermic effect… │ nutrition │ [is substantially higher for carbohydrate than for protein, is accompanied by a slight decrease in body core temperature., is partly related to sympat… │ 2 │
此命令从数据集中检索 3 行随机样本,供我们检查。
DESCRIBE FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet' USING SAMPLE 3;
│ column_name │ column_type │ null │ key │ default │ extra │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ question │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ subject │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ choices │ VARCHAR[] │ YES │ │ │ │
│ answer │ BIGINT │ YES │ │ │ │
COUNT(*) AS counts
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
HAVING counts > 2;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │ counts │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │ int64 │
│ 0 rows │
COUNT(*) AS counts,
BAR(COUNT(*), 0, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet')) AS percentage
counts DESC;
│ subject │ counts │ percentage │
│ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │
│ professional_law │ 1534 │ ████████▋ │
│ moral_scenarios │ 895 │ █████ │
│ miscellaneous │ 783 │ ████▍ │
│ professional_psychology │ 612 │ ███▍ │
│ high_school_psychology │ 545 │ ███ │
│ high_school_macroeconomics │ 390 │ ██▏ │
│ elementary_mathematics │ 378 │ ██▏ │
│ moral_disputes │ 346 │ █▉ │
│ 57 rows (8 shown) 3 columns │
现在,让我们准备一个包含与 **营养** 相关的题目子集,并创建题目与正确答案的映射。请注意,我们有 **choices** 列,我们可以使用 **answer** 列作为索引来获取正确答案。
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' LIMIT 3;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │
│ Which foods tend t… │ nutrition │ [Meat, Confectionary, Fruits and vegetables, Potatoes] │ 2 │
│ In which one of th… │ nutrition │ [If the incidence rate of the disease falls., If survival time with the disease increases., If recovery of the disease is faster., If the population in which the… │ 1 │
│ Which of the follo… │ nutrition │ [The flavonoid class comprises flavonoids and isoflavonoids., The digestibility and bioavailability of isoflavones in soya food products are not changed by proce… │ 0 │
SELECT question,
choices[answer] AS correct_answer
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' LIMIT 3;
│ question │ correct_answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │
│ Which foods tend to be consumed in lower quantities in Wales and Scotland (as of 2020)?\n │ Confectionary │
│ In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the population increase, all else being constant?\n │ If the incidence rate of the disease falls. │
│ Which of the following statements is correct?\n │ │
SELECT regexp_replace(question, '\n', '') AS question,
choices[answer] AS correct_answer
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' AND LENGTH(correct_answer) > 0 LIMIT 3;
│ question │ correct_answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │
│ Which foods tend to be consumed in lower quantities in Wales and Scotland (as of 2020)? │ Confectionary │
│ In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the population increase, all else being constant? │ If the incidence rate of the disease falls. │
│ Which vitamin is a major lipid-soluble antioxidant in cell membranes? │ Vitamin D │
最后,让我们重点介绍本节中使用的一些 DuckDB 函数。
,绘制一个带,其宽度与 (x - min) 成正比,当 x = max 时等于宽度字符。宽度默认为 80。string[begin:end]
,使用切片约定提取字符串。缺少的 begin 或 end 参数分别解释为列表的开头或结尾。接受负值。regexp_replace
DuckDB 的 SQL 函数概述 中有许多有用的函数。最好的部分是,您可以在 Hugging Face 数据集上直接使用它们。